Frankenstein: Futures End

I remember being rather excited for Futures End weekly and enjoying at least first half of it. Then it collapsed and had one of the weirder non-endings. But sometimes series reads better on a second go. Not this one. Heck, I'd probably argue that it reads even worse on a second go. But we are here to talk about Frank and not the series itself. So, what about Frank? Like every other weekly this one has a core of characters that we follow and Frank with Amethyst are one of them. But unlike others, their story is rather isolated from the main story so they have to deal with less bullshit. I assume that this section of the weekly was mostly written by Lemire because it works well with his Agent of Shade run. Basic idea is that someone blew up Stormwatch's spaceship and Shade sends Frank, Amethyst and Ray Palmer to investigate what happened. During the investigation Frank loses his arm and Ray Palmer figures that the best thing to do is to attach to him Hawkman's arm. Don't ...