Frankenstein: Short stories and guest appearances till 2023

So I figured that I'd close this series of recaps once the new year starts rolling in case of something big and unexpected happening in December, spoiler alert - it didn't.

For fans of not very popular characters DC doing many anthologies is both blessing and a curse. On one hand your favorite might get a short story focusing on him, on another hand anthologies are expensive and rarely you'll enjoy every story (or even majority of stories) in it.

With short stories we have three that focus on Frankenstein. First one is  in Young Monsters in Love anthology, it explores Frank's feelings towards The Bride. Nothing fantastic here, it is fine, but not something that you'd buy entire anthology for so check if you find other stories interesting as well.

Second one is The Doomed and the Damned where he teams up with Aquaman and I don't get Brandon Thomas' writing. I know that he has some fans (well, everyone has at least a few), but I haven't enjoyed anything he has written solely on technical level. Anyway, this might be the adventure that is later referenced in Thomas' Aquamen #3 so if you liked that then maybe it makes sense to pick this up as well. As for me, easy skip.

Last one came out very recently - DC’s Grifter Got Run Over by a Reindeer. It is a weird Christmas story about Frank at first fighting snowman and then, with other heroes, looking for his own heart and helping snowman to figure out his personal things. I don't know? It is better than second short story, but not as good as Young Monsters in Love and that story is kinda my floor for what to read when it comes to Frankenstein.

Frank has few short appearances in Grayson series, it is nothing substantial, but Grayson was great fun so you should read it anyway regardless if you like Frank or not.

In Red Hood and the Outlaws the protagonists decide to steal a spaceship from SHADE, Frank obviously is not fond of this plan. Eventually they get away with the ship because they are the protagonists and not Frank, but it is ok showing for Frank. But unlike Grayson, this series isn't very good so I'm not sure about picking up just this one issue for 6-8 pages of Frank. 

Remaining guest appearances are more like a cameos, he might get to punch someone for a panel (Batman: Urban Legends #8) and disappear from the story or get torn in half (Dark Crisis #6) and disappear from the story. Or it is some one panel flashback or big group shot. Anyway, nothing interesting or worth talking about.

Now, someone familiar with Frankenstein might ask... but what about Futures End? Futures End series is not a thing that I think anyone can really recommend to anyone, but it has few interesting points that I want to write about at some point. So I'm not sure, at some point I'll do a separate post about Frank in Futures End. Maybe on a second read it will be a better story.

So anyway, Young Monsters in Love and Grayson are worth reading from this last batch of appearances. 


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