
Showing posts from January, 2023

Trinity: First Act

Trinity is a big series so I'm not going to cover it all in one post, but I'm going to divide it into three parts just like the collected editions are divided. At the same time I'm going to cover some things that happen in other parts if they are relevant for what was going in this particular part. Yes, it might get a bit confusing. Lets start with the structure. In theory each issue is divided into two parts, one main story drawn by Bagley and a backup drawn by one of the collaborators. In practice you can't really say that one part of the book is more important than another, they are equally important and you can't ignore them like you could with "traditional" backups in other books. Bagley simply isn't a robot and couldn't draw 52 issues in a year + however long the lead-in time was. Trinity, as the name suggests, appear a lot in the first part of this series, but you can already see that Busiek and Bagley are going to play with lots and lots of...

Frankenstein: Short stories and guest appearances till 2023

So I figured that I'd close this series of recaps once the new year starts rolling in case of something big and unexpected happening in December, spoiler alert - it didn't. For fans of not very popular characters DC doing many anthologies is both blessing and a curse. On one hand your favorite might get a short story focusing on him, on another hand anthologies are expensive and rarely you'll enjoy every story (or even majority of stories) in it. With short stories we have three that focus on Frankenstein. First one is  in Young Monsters in Love anthology, it explores Frank's feelings towards The Bride. Nothing fantastic here, it is fine, but not something that you'd buy entire anthology for so check if you find other stories interesting as well. Second one is The Doomed and the Damned where he teams up with Aquaman and I don't get Brandon Thomas' writing. I know that he has some fans (well, everyone has at least a few), but I haven't enjoyed anything he...