Since nobody reads blogs anymore I think it is about time I start a one for myself. Maybe nobody is going to read it, but I'll have this little nice place where I can shout at the clouds.
So what this is going to be about? Comics, obviously. And mostly DC comics. I'm a big fan of Morrison's work, but I don't expect to be writing much about that. Morrison's work has gotten lots of attention and analysis over the years and I don't feel like I can really add anything of substance to the conversation. But sure, I'll write about it from time to time. But most of the time I feel like I'll be writing about series that are related to Morrison's work in one way or another. Connection might be real small, but it is all connected! Or maybe series that only I and maybe few other people care about at all, or maybe something that might have been popular at some point, but currently nobody talks about it at all. So you know, if it is not popular and not cool then you might find me talking about it here.
Oh, and expect bad English, and lots of it.
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