
Showing posts from December, 2024

From the Batcave: Spyral

Morrison's Batman run ends with Talia getting shot by Kathy Kane and delivering a warning to defeated Batman. No surprise that DC decided to follow up this Kane (and her organization, Spyral) plot thread left by Morrison. But did it work? History of how we got Grayson ongoing is rather weird. After Forever Evil and Dick Grayson's "death" DC was looking for new direction. Supposedly someone hired Seeley to write it and someone else hired King to write it. So people in charge figured what the hell, let them both write it. As a result we got one of the best Dick Grayson runs that heavily focused on Spyral and Kathy Kane to lesser extent. Now, New 52 was funny time and King is a writer who likes to do things his own way so Spyral obviously does not map 1:1 with Morrison's version. But on the other hand I think that, in spirit, it does feel like a continuation of what Morrison started. Creative team of Grayson really fleshed out the organization and it was "hot...