
Showing posts from September, 2024

JLA Presents: Prometheus

Prometheus was one of the villains introduced in Morrison's JLA run. Basically evil Batman with a bit goofy gimmick of inserting discs into his helmet. Maybe discs becoming a bit of an obsolete technology is one of the reason why he had a rocky career. Or maybe writers just don't know what to do with him. To cut things short Prometheus became a bit of a joke and I have seen some people, who normally post okay opinions, say that well he was a joke in his first JLA story as well. After all his plan was absurd and in the end he was taken out by Huntress. But villains tend to have absurd plots and motivations in Morrison's work, that is normal. As for getting taken out by Huntress? Lets step back a little and look at what Morrison was doing at the time. When it comes to Justice League there is always a question on the purpose of various members because Superman is there. He is stronger, faster and smarter than most of the members so what can they really contribute to the team?