
Showing posts from June, 2024

JLA Presents: Hourman

Morrison's JLA run was a big deal back in the day. So it is not surprising that we got a number of spin-offs that were connected in some way to what Morrison was doing. Many of them were bad like JLA: Paradise Lost that focused on Zauriel. Even Aztek, despite Morrison's direct involvement, never really became a must-read for me. So I was not in a rush to try Hourman's ongoing when many shorter stories weren't any good. And on top of that it was written by this Peyer guy. What was my problem with Peyer? I tried his JLA: Tomorrow Woman and thought that it was terrible. He did write some DC One Million tie-ins and I wasn't impressed by them either. Then there was this interview about the time he was editing Morrison's Doom Patrol where he basically says that he didn't understand it. And he is going to write an ongoing using Morrison's character? Thanks, but no. On the other hand it was drawn by Rags Morales and some people with decent comics opinions kept