JLA Presents: CSA
After I finished writing about Busiek's Trinity work I figured that I might as well cover the remaining Morrison's CSA appearances. After all, there aren't that many left. We probably should start with some trivia. First time Antimatter CSA was mentioned was in 1992's Double Trouble (Justice League Quarterly #8) story by Mark Waid. That is some years before JLA: Earth-2, so were they actually created by Waid and not Morrison? Not really. CSA gets only one panel cameo and they look nothing like Morrison's version, their looks are closer to classic version of CSA. Anyway, the point of the story was to introduce Conglomerate team from Antimatter world. I guess idea here was that new version of Justice League could use their own version of CSA? In the end it doesn't matter since they never appeared again. Before I started writing about CSA in my mind I had Syndicate Rules as #2 and Casey's "Mirror, Mirror" as #3, both after JLA: Earth-2. But cool thin...