Multiversity: Harley does something
Second of the new series to have Multiversity branding focused on Harley. Not the character that would come to mind when thinking about multiverse, but thinking outside of the box sometimes leads to interesting results. So, what about this one? The story goes that sometime during New 52 Dan DiDio looked at how well Deadpool was selling at Marvel and decided to replicate that success with Harley. The job was given to Conner/Palmiotti duo and they ran away with it. They revamped the character, made her a bit more similar to Deadpool than she was before and you could argue that they removed some complexity from her as well. Some fans have even argued that they destroyed the character, but since it was a massive sales hit... DC probably doesn't care about that at all. Once Conner/Palmiotti ended their run other writers tried to leave their own mark on the character and while the difference is not obvious I'd say that she is not the same as she was during Conner/Palmiotti run. Anywa...