Trinity: Aftermath
Trinity is one of those series that looks big and important on paper, but it is mostly forgotten today. But did it lead to some new things back when it just wrapped up? After the series ended Bagley went to draw Robinson's JLA and one of their story arcs, Omega, featured CSA so that feels like a good place to start. And oh boy, it is real bad. At one point Robinson even mixes up Earth-3 with Anti-matter universe. I wouldn't be surprised if later this story was used as an argument for why going forward DC should use only Earth-3's CSA. It also has lazy plot device of another Earth getting destroyed to make the threat look big and then randomly restored at the end because who cares. Krona was later used by Geoff Johns in his GL epic, but it didn't really have anything to do with Trinity. As everything else in this saga he was revealed to be connected to emotional spectrum. Sadly at this point Johns was already going on fumes and it is all very forgettable. DC tried to cre...