
Showing posts from November, 2022

Multiversity: Rise of a Nation

When Multiversity: Teen Justice book was announced some people were a bit confused why it is using Multiversity label. At that time I was more surprised that this label is being used only now, after all we had other series and story arcs that tried to deal with Morrison's Multiversity and related concepts.  We start this series of posts with Freedom Fighters by Venditti and Barrows. DC has struggled over the years to find a good place for many of their characters and it has been even bigger problem for characters that were acquired by DC from other companies. Freedom Fighters are no exception here.  They were introduced to DC by Wein in his JLA run as heroes of a world where Nazis won. Later they were moved to main Earth. Their lineup was changed many times. They went from WW2 to modern team (at some point I'll probably cover Palmiotti/Gray version in a separate post) and there were probably some other variations that I'm forgetting now. What they all had in common? None of...

Frankenstein: Justice League

When Lemire left Frankenstein's ongoing he started writing another book - Justice League Dark. And after few issues he decided (or maybe it was editors?) to add Frank to this team. That decision lead to some good and some irrelevent things. Now, lets start with the good. JLD being attached to Justice League had some staying power and had many more issues published than Agent of Shade. It also means that it got to participate in crossovers like Trinity War and Blight. It also lead to many guest appearances when one of the JLD members would have his origin story and we'd see a panel or a page showing his teammates. Or just in general when someone wanted to show that situation is important and all the superhero teams are gathering or watching some events unfolding. If Frank wasn't added to this team then it is very likely that he would have gone into obscurity after Agent of Shade ended. But being in this team lead to many, many guest appearances and, at least in theory, raise...